nudgeup is a behavioural and social science research strategy organisation that develops experimental designs to aid clients in their issues. Using our advanced knowledge of psychological applications, statistical analysis and research methods we help clients reach efficient solutions.
Our team has over 5 years of research experience and have previously developed projects for both big and small enterprises.
Behavioural economics and psychology offer an architecture that describes how and why we behave as we do. We can address and answer countless questions:
Why do people choose one product over another?
Why do we behave in certain ways and how can we change this?
How can we encourage more positive decisions e.g. charity donations?
Using our knowledge framework we can look at people’s choices and gain a full understanding of why that individual chooses to behave in a particular way. With this knowledge Nudgeup can then create “nudges” that empower the individual and help them, and you, in making the right decision.
We strive to bring effective results and insights to all projects and through our implementation of our successful techniques.