
Why employees need to become dancers: Understanding the overlaps of nudges and planned choreography

Why employees need to become dancers: Understanding the overlaps of nudges and planned choreography

Behind all great pieces of choreography there is a great planner – piecing together routines and movements that, when put together, will produce an effective display of actions. Without an effective planner, there is no plan and consequently a poor display of choreography. This is where the overlap between choreography and behaviour change lies; and in fact, once you realise the significant similarities, you can see how you can utilise it's strengths to positively impact behaviour change.

Relics of a bygone brain

Relics of a bygone brain

At work you may find yourself tasked with difficult problems with little time to find a suitable solution. Fortunately, we have one of the most powerful machines in the world at our disposal, the human brain. Our brains are responsible for some of mankind's most remarkable achievements; from building civilizations, and inventing space flight, to the birth of the internet.

Given what are brains are capable of, a problem at work should be easy to solve, right?