
How simple design tricks can nudge people to eat healthier

How simple design tricks can nudge people to eat healthier

What if there was a way to change how we order food? And present food in a way that makes the healthier options more appealing and easier to choose.

By redesigning a cafe, using nudge design principles, we increased healthy eating by 125%! Read more to find out how.

Why employers need green fingers: How to increase employee health and productivity using nudge

Why employers need green fingers: How to increase employee health and productivity using nudge

Imagine your employees are tomato plants inside a large greenhouse (your organisation). To ensure you get a great crop of tasty tomatoes, from your employees, you need a balanced greenhouse that provides plenty of healthy conditions. Unfortunately, most modern organisations have neglected the importance of their employees health and have consequently suffered in terms of increases to absenteeism and loss of productivity. However, through nudge insights, we can now start to think differently about the design of staff canteens to foster healthier employees and in return boost productivity.

Why employees need to become dancers: Understanding the overlaps of nudges and planned choreography

Why employees need to become dancers: Understanding the overlaps of nudges and planned choreography

Behind all great pieces of choreography there is a great planner – piecing together routines and movements that, when put together, will produce an effective display of actions. Without an effective planner, there is no plan and consequently a poor display of choreography. This is where the overlap between choreography and behaviour change lies; and in fact, once you realise the significant similarities, you can see how you can utilise it's strengths to positively impact behaviour change.

Anchors aweigh: Brain short-cuts

Anchors aweigh: Brain short-cuts

Our brains have constructed many short-cuts to attempt to solve our problems that we face on a day to day basis. One short-cut that our brain loves to utilise repeatedly is known as Anchoring.

This blog explores the concept of Anchoring and why we should know how to use it efficiently.

Cheese and Crackers: The two thinking systems

Cheese and Crackers: The two thinking systems

Our brain operates using two different systems of thinking: System 1 and System 2.
System 1 is our automatic system; quick to process information and requiring very little mental effort.
System 2 on the other hand is more rational and conscious.
We explore how these systems interact with each other and how our brain uses them to understand our world.